Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Different Kind of Relationship

was usually given goals in church that were very cerebral, intangible and unmeasurable ie "know God" or "be totally devoted to God" -- so I would pursue these goals through study and prayer, but there were no real markers to chart my progress in "achieving" these goals
all of this went on in the pursuit or working out of a "relationship" with God; pursuing intangible, unmeasurable goals through given, invented church activities that had nothing to do with my real life/responsibilities/obligations/opportunities)
Instead, how about devoted to God = be an excellent mother, because that's what's happening in your real life
my faith/passion was directed into a quasi-world of given church activities (evangelize, read Bible everyday, prophesy, study, take notes, grasp new "important" spiritual concepts, prayer/pursuing God, hearing from God)
instead, my faith could be directed into living my real life wellInstead of a "Relationship With God" meaning all of these personal exchanges with God (personal growth in understanding God, hearing from God, talking to God, having emotional, sensational experiences of God, wanting to "know" God more, becoming more passionate/committed to God, etc. - see previous post)
--- instead of a Relationship With God meaning all these intangible, unmeasurable "exchanges" with God, this inner conversation

---what if a Relationship With God just meant: Doing The Right Thing In Your Real Life

I like that idea. So the "stuff" of that relationship is not "spiritual" and in my head, it is concrete actions, carried out in the real world
Like volunteering in my community. Treating my husband well, even when I've had a bad day. Bending my focus, creativity and talents towards being a superb mother to my children. Having my lonely neighbor over for a cup of tea. Sewing up some cloth diapers and sending them to that orphanage in Haiti.
This could be the substance of my Relationship With God: real actions, carried out in the real world. This could be my spiritual act of worship, not all the inner dialogues, spiritual "goals" and feelings of commitment, not emotional singing of songs, or vigorous note taking of preacher's sermons.
Then, there would be real events when I want to tell the story of my faith.
Then, my faith would have some currency in the real world.

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